Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Insurance/Medical bill stuff, Canadian style

Here it is, December - 22 or so. Been thinking about this for a number of weeks.

"Who decides what I can or cannot take, and who is going to pay for that when the drugs are more than my salary. "

I was taking a medication that is suppose to fix some of the issues that I deal with on a daily basis. One of my rules, is that I never take a medication that requires "special authorization", under the rules of BlueCross. To me, it feels quite awkward to have to fill out paperwork, and beg for the meds that helped me get through the last 30 days before that. And someone who pushes paper, never gets to live with someone who cannot sleep, for 2 or 3 or 4 days, until exhaustion overcomes the pain and finally the body surrenders to the pain and then I sleep. Pain relief is something that only comes in short intervals, when the long acting meds can reduce the pain levels to a point where I don't have pain in the forefront of my mind. There are many times, when I use many things to distract my mind from the pain. Exercise, Sex, riding a motorcycle, walking in the woods, shooting, fishing on a quiet stream, taking time to hunt, going to the dance club-and banging my Cain into the floor with such force that I am making my own beat to the music. When my back is bad, I love the loud music of a dance club, with a COKE and EFFIN loud music to take my mind off of the pain. I can tap my feet, even though I cannot dance, but I can enjoy it and go back 30 years to when I was a kid and never had this problem.

On the 10th of Dec - BlueCross sent the letter to tell me that I would have to pay for this medication out of my pocket. The bill was a couple hundred dollars. I am sure that you are like me - have plenty of disposable income, for meds. They told me that they would not cover my meds and that my Doc had to provide them with more proof that I needed this and that any proof for the stuff and any money the Doc might want for filling out the paperwork- WOULD BE OUT OF MY POCKET. Thanks - AH - your the ones who have been paying for my meds for 3 years, and this is not enough proof.

On the 16th of Dec - they sent me a second letter. saying - Approved - for an indefinite time period - in any way my Doc prescribes. I guess that he probably told them about the surgery consult, the CATScan rides I have taken that finally proved that what I had claimed for 25 years, was real and not in my head.

So after 25 years of being told that I had no pain, but really did - Resulted in my body rebelling to make sure that my mind knew that there was something wrong. I am going to tell you that telling your body that it does not hurt, when it does, is really sick. It is really interesting when you have a Doc, who spends an hour, to tell me that I was not wrong. That I have a severe reason for my body to hurt, and in the same breath, there is not a single thing that I can do to fix this. In my mind, I can heal myself, but in reality, I am always going to have a set of special requirements that need to be dealt with and require me to make daily accommodations to live with these sets of conditions.