Thursday, October 15, 2009

Resistance is Futile!

Morning all - sunny -just above freezing.

This is something that I deal with on a continual basis. Pain, from the mechanical movement. Arthritis too,so I have to move in order to keep pain at bay. These are some of my daily acute pain issues. It is these that sets up the chronic as a side "PAIN" show to my life. It is neither good or bad, it is there. I try not to buy into it.

A little math play.
Area of a rectangle is height X length. If you make the length of the rectangle, twice as long, you double the area, but you still have the same height. 2A= H X 2L

Take this further A = H X infinite L = infinity.

Here is the thing - and this is not my original thought!

Pain is length - it can go on, like 2 X L or infinite, for days, weeks or 25 years or a lifetime.

Height = to the variable known as my resistance or acceptance. If my Acceptance is high, H is a low number. If Acceptance is low - Height can be a great number.

Suffering = Resistance[conversely Acceptance] X Pain

The Math marvel of this is - as I reduce my resistance to pain, no matter how long or "BIG" the pain is, the suffering can be reduced to zero.

Suffering = small number X Pain

Area = small number [height] x pain

I can reduce my suffering to zero, by reducing my fight against the pain or in turn, putting my full attention on it and watching it during a high cycle. Normally for me, my pain has waves, these changes are not noticed, until my full focus goes to the pain and I look at it, and not allow it to slap me, with out my going to find it and find out what it wants. If I ignore it, it gets louder, like a truant child. As I pay fuller and more direct attention, the message that the pain has for me, becomes clearer and I can make decisions about what I want to do with the "PAIN" and with my body, to reduce it somewhat.

Monday, October 12, 2009

This is just for myself - so take it for what it is worth!

Blue Moon
Cresent Moon
Diana - Goddess
Powerful help

There is fun in tummy
Fun is power

The water fall flows
Water was here before you and after you


Breathe into the Thymus gland


Milk of forgetfulness

Green glow in leg

No more fake paneling

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chronic Pain personalities

I take time on a couple of websites - that allow for self help and mutual suppport. I have read and posted at places for probalby 10 years. There is a need to point out, what personalities make the best recovery. [IMHO = based on Psycology studies]

The Whiner - This person seems to enjoy being in the middle of thier mess and is only there to get sympathy and pity. They never want a solution to thier prolbems. They just want someone to listen to thier complaints. If and when someone points out simple truths, that are easily seen in thier writing, they normally turn into someone who complains of being picked on. Shortly after, they become the angry person who is going to use all manners of little language to berate you.

The meek - I truely hope that these persons get some help, becuase they can change and get better quickly. In some cases, they think they deserve this mess that has been dealt to them. They don't understand that they are just unfortuante to have been given a disease and now, must find ways to LIVE with it! AS they see paths away from thier pain and illness, they get better quick. It does not go away, but the attitude helps them deal with it.

The winner - be'er - do-er, Here we have someone who has an attitude of living with an illness, in a positive way. They see each day as a challenge, one to be met and lived to the fullest. There are days when they outdo themselves and so they are "sick" for a period. They go back and try again, not pushing so hard, trying to get past the life altering things that happen to us each day. If there is a wall, they go around, tunnel under, go over, blow it up, pole vault and generally never accept, that this is thier life experience. They will seek change, good or bad, but change for its own sake.

I hope you day is better for having read a little -