Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chronic Pain Industry -- ! ? !

Hello, I guess you may have figured out with a name change, that I am thinking in a whole new lineage of thought, Yep! Nonsequtor as usual! The reason for this is that I have spent many months in pursuit of answers to my condition. You see, I have a problem with my spine. It started with trying to figure out why I ached a lot. 24 months later, I am told, "Well - I have good news and bad news. Good news is I know why you hurt, Bad news is there is not much I can do to fix it." And so this was my final verdict on my issues with my spine. I since have figured out that like most things, you need to be very careful how you work, how you play and how you get around. I posted the question and title, "Chronic Pain Industry" because as much as everyone wants a solution to this problem, there seems to be a great reluctance to "FIX" this really well. Think about it. We have all kinds of "Therapies". Pharmacology, Mind-Body, Cog-Behav-Therapy, straight meditation, pain-killer, anti-inflamatories, ice, aroma-therapy, Reiki? Physical Therapy, and a whole host of other things that promise to help you.

Let me tell you this, I'm not convinced, having experienced what I describe as "discomfort" and what I mean is that my back,neck,legs and hurting, so much so, that I can only sit, walk and meditate for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, on any task, and must keep moving in order not to freeze up. I have sciatica that has not been part of my issues for about 18 months, but today is so bad that my right legs feels like there is a spike through it and my flesh ripped off the upper leg. I work at maintaining an attitude of acceptance and equinimity. I have had this before. I've had blood pressure through the roof, and been to ER to get shots drop the acute pain side.

I ask about the "Industry" because of this point. Is all of this just a form of snake oil salemanship? Is a person in pain, willing to do anything to move away from the pain and pay anything for that "Service"? Probably, and that is my thought, are we being duped into thinking that we can fix ourselves, for a pile of cash and the right healer, or is the best thing for us to do, is just sit quietly and listen to our breath and listen to our heart. Can I open to the pain and feel the waves crash upon me, as the ocean runs onto shore.

Yes - I can, I can live with pain and begin to learn from it, for every day is completely different and a wonder that I am still here. Think about the 300 billion blood cells that have spent the last 24 hours running around, without you every having to direct them to pick up harmful things and expell them from your lungs, and you never directed any of it. How cool is that.

I am going to take the time to catalogue my 25 years of experience with acute, and then chronic pain, sciatica, lumbar issues and a whole host of issues, as they arise.

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